L298P 电机驱动 Shield

L298P 电机驱动 shield




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VMS: Module voltage(外部供电)
GND: Ground
MA1: Positive end for motor A (A电机正极)
MA2: Negative end for motor A (A电机负极)
MB1: Positive end for motor B (B电机正极)
MB2: Negative end for motor B (B电机负极)
PWMA: Speed control signal for motor A – This pin is connected to pin 10 of Arduino

A电机PWM输入 速度控制—也就是arduino的D10

PWMB: Speed control signal for motor B – This pin is connected to pin 11 of Arduino

B电机PWM输入 速度控制—也就是arduino的D11

ENA: Control signal for motor A – If HIGH, motor is in direct mode and if LOW, motor is rotating in reverse. This pin is connected to pin 12 of Arduino


ENB: Control signal for motor B – If HIGH, motor is in direct mode and if LOW, motor is rotating in reverse. This pin is connected to pin 13 of Arduino


Buzzer for make sound:
BUZ: Buzzer pin – This pin is connected to pin 4 of Arduino

蜂鸣器 D4

Connection for control servo motor:
SER: PWM pin for control servo motor – This pin is connected to pin 9 of Arduino

伺服电机(舵机) D9-PWM

Bluetooth connections:
BT2: Bluetooth Pins including +(3.3V) pins, (GND), RX (connected to D0) and TX (connected to D1)


Ultrasonic sensor connection:
ULT: connection pins to ultrasonic sensor including +(5V), (GND), Return (connected to D9) and Trigger (connected to D8)


RBG LED connection:
RGB: RGB: For connection to RGB LED including pins B (connected to D6), G (connected to D5) and R (connected to D3)

RGB LED灯 R-D3 G-D5 B-D6 也不知道在哪亮。。

Other connections:
A/D: Analog and digital pins A0 to A5 for sensor and module use
D2: Digital pin 2 for sensor and module use
RS: Reset pin
GND: Ground
VCC: Board power supply – 3V, 5V




*  L298P Motor Shield
*  Code for exercising the L298P Motor Control portion of the shield
*  The low level motor control logic is kept in the function 'Motor'
// The following pin designations are fixed by the shield
int const BUZZER = 4;
//  Motor A
int const ENA = 10;  
int const INA = 12;
//  Motor B
int const ENB = 11;  
int const INB = 13;

int const MIN_SPEED = 27;   // Set to minimum PWM value that will make motors turn
int const ACCEL_DELAY = 50; // delay between steps when ramping motor speed up or down.
//  Initialization
void setup()
  pinMode(ENA, OUTPUT);   // set all the motor control pins to outputs
  pinMode(ENB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(INA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(INB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT);
  Serial.begin(9600);     // Set comm speed for serial monitor messages
//  Main
void loop()
  // Run both motors Forward at 75% power
  Motor('C', 'F', 75);   

  // Run both motors in Reverse at 75% power but sound beeper first
  Motor('C', 'F', 0);  // Stop motors
  Motor('C', 'R', 75);  // Run motors forward at 75%

  // now run motors in opposite directions at same time at 50% speed
  Motor('A', 'F', 50);
  Motor ('B', 'R', 50);

  // now turn off both motors
  Motor('C', 'F', 0);  

  // Run the motors across the range of possible speeds in both directions
  // Maximum speed is determined by the motor itself and the operating voltage

  // Accelerate from zero to maximum speed
  for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
    Motor('C', 'F', i);
  delay (2000);

  // Decelerate from maximum speed to zero
  for (int i = 100; i >= 0; --i)
    Motor('C', 'F', i);
  delay (2000);

  // Set direction to reverse and accelerate from zero to maximum speed
  for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
    Motor('C', 'R', i);
  delay (2000);

  // Decelerate from maximum speed to zero
  for (int i = 100; i >= 0; --i)
    Motor('C', 'R', i);
  // Turn off motors
  Motor('C', 'F', 0);
  delay (3000);
 * Motor function does all the heavy lifting of controlling the motors
 * mot = motor to control either 'A' or 'B'.  'C' controls both motors.
 * dir = Direction either 'F'orward or 'R'everse
 * speed = Speed.  Takes in 1-100 percent and maps to 0-255 for PWM control.  
 * Mapping ignores speed values that are too low to make the motor turn.
 * In this case, anything below 27, but 0 still means 0 to stop the motors.
void Motor(char mot, char dir, int speed)
  // remap the speed from range 0-100 to 0-255
  int newspeed;
  if (speed == 0)
    newspeed = 0;   // Don't remap zero, but remap everything else.
    newspeed = map(speed, 1, 100, MIN_SPEED, 255);

  switch (mot) {
    case 'A':   // Controlling Motor A
      if (dir == 'F') {
        digitalWrite(INA, HIGH);
      else if (dir == 'R') {
        digitalWrite(INB, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENA, newspeed);

    case 'B':   // Controlling Motor B
      if (dir == 'F') {
        digitalWrite(INB, HIGH);
      else if (dir == 'R') {
        digitalWrite(INB, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENB, newspeed);

    case 'C':  // Controlling Both Motors
      if (dir == 'F') {
        digitalWrite(INA, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(INB, HIGH);
      else if (dir == 'R') {
        digitalWrite(INA, LOW);
         digitalWrite(INB, LOW);
      analogWrite(ENA, newspeed);
      analogWrite(ENB, newspeed);
  // Send what we are doing with the motors out to the Serial Monitor.

  Serial.print ("Motor: ");
  if (mot=='C')
      Serial.print ("Both");
      Serial.print (mot);
  Serial.print ("t Direction: ");
  Serial.print (dir);
  Serial.print ("t Speed: ");
  Serial.print (speed);
  Serial.print ("t Mapped Speed: ");
  Serial.println (newspeed);


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